Voice for the voiceless. We are all put here for a different purpose. It may not seem obvious at first but if we keep searching we will find it. We can't all be the same. It just isn't in the design. Perhaps the differences are what challenge us and make us stronger. Perhaps the disabled people are here to teach those who are abled to slow down and enjoy the gifts of each day.
When we take away all our identities and look deep within we find we are all similar. We are searching to be loved and accepted. While our identities define us they do not limit us.
I learned many lessons inside the classroom with these students. I learned to enjoy each bite, just eating was a major undertaking for many of these students. I learned to accept each one as they are today and hope for a better tomorrow. I learned that we do need to stop and smell the flowers or enjoy the bubbles. I also learned that just because someone doesn't have an abled body doesn't mean they aren't striving the best way they can. It was hard to witness them stuck inside a body that would not do what they wanted it to but they kept going. They don't give up.
Each one of the children that I was able to see be picked up by their families lit up when they came into the room. I saw the biggest smile on Amelia's face when her mom came one day. She laughed too. They cuddled and it was the sweetest interaction. It was raw and real.
We must reach out and help and do our part.
I am fortunate to have the privilege identities that I do have. I feel very blessed. I also feel it is a great responsibility.
I also realize now how important it is that people with disabilities have the accommodations they need to succeed. While it might seem excessive to an abled person it is not for someone who cannot do simple tasks simply because their body won't allow them to.
Everyone's story is different. What will the next pages of your story be?
Thursday, June 19, 2014
What is "normal"?
Diving into what is "normal". I looked up what the on-line Merriam-Webster
dictionary defines normal as and it is normal is, “usual or ordinary: not
strange, mentally and physically healthy”.
The first definition makes me think well who
wants to be normal, sounds boring. The
second definition of being mentally and physically healthy I believe most
people strive for something along those lines, but how does one determine what
is healthy mentally and physically for all?
Isn’t it relative?
My last day in the classroom was
bittersweet. The children recognize me
like an old friend now.
“Hey Ms. Arinn,
wanna come play?”
For others it is a
smile or a nod, they recognize me too even though they can’t say it, I
Her mom and the teacher start talking to the girls. Lisa is told to apologize. She walks towards Sarah who is still very
upset. Lisa reaches to hug Sarah and say
sorry. She hugs her but Sarah is so
upset. She is sobbing to the point that
snot is running out of her nose and drool is coming out of her mouth.
Lisa yells, “EEWWW, that is so
GGGRROOSSS”. Stop, drooling on me.”
mom says, “She was crying, it wasn’t drool.”
Well it was drool. I saw it. But Lisa was so rude and it was uncalled for.
the teacher and I talk about what is normal for each of the girls. We surmise that Lisa would get in trouble for
drooling on her brothers at home. While Lisa would not. She drools and does it especially when she is
upset. So drooling behavior and what is
“normal” for each of the girls is different.
The teacher talks to Lisa about how Sarah couldn’t help it and it wasn’t
polite to talk to her like that. Lisa
has been with disabled children her entire life at this school and knows that
it is unacceptable to speak about the differences this way.
is relative for each member of this classroom.
It changes each day for some of the children. They each do the best they can with what they
have. I especially like what Jason
Kingsley says in his article What I’d Tell That Doctor, “People with disabilities
can learn. (p. 107). I also like what Thomas
Hehir says in Toward Ending Ableism in Education. He said, “Encourage disabled students to
develop and use skills and modes of expression that are most effective and
efficient for them.”(p.515) I saw in
this classroom, and this is good.
Night and Day - Closer look at Taylor
My first experience with Taylor was overwhelming.
I could not imagine how the teachers and children function in the classroom with him. He
seemed aggressive, disagreeable and hard to manage. Taylor is almost 5. If you
saw him in a picture you would not know that he is disabled. He is a white male,
bright blue eyes, and blonde hair. He is the only child of two loving parents. Taylor
can walk with some assistance. He has seizures regularly. He has a very limited
vocabulary and it is difficult for me to understand the few words he can say. I
know I have heard him say “eat”. He is similar to a bull in a china shop when
he is taken out of the special chair he sits in. He has very little impulse
control. He will grab objects and put them in his mouth. He will throw toys and
hit the other children. He grunts most of the time. The first day I saw him his
nurse aid was out sick. He has a nurse aid because of all his medical issues. The
classroom teacher had to literally follow him around and make sure he wasn’t hurting
himself or other people. He was frustrated and would throw himself down. He
would buck with his body too. The teacher often had to resort to putting him in
his chair to keep everyone including him safe. He was all out of sorts. The
teacher kept assuring me this wasn’t a typical day. I kept thinking I don’t know
how you do this. When we went outside he was put into the swing and I saw the
first signs of joy. He loves to swing. He has to be in an adapted swing because
he can’t hang on to the typical chain swings with fully functional able bodied
children use. The seat he used looked a lot like the seat used for a baby swing
inside only much bigger. When we came back inside it was time for lunch. Taylor
cannot feed himself without assistance. He requires someone to sit with him and
present food on his tray. He is able with a lot of effort to grab his foot that
has been cut in small pieces. He likes to try to negotiate using body language
and grunts to get the food he prefers. He enjoys his food. It takes the entire
lunch period for him to eat plus a little more time. Most of the other children
eat, use the bathroom and get on their mats while he is still being fed. It
takes a lot of concentration and effort for him to simply eat. Transitions are
difficult. He doesn’t want to lay down. The teacher must sit with him while he
tries to rest just in case he has a seizure or tries to get up and hurt another
child. On this day all I see is destruction and frustration from him except for
when he was in the swing. My second experience with Taylor was two days later. On
this day his nurse aid was there. She has been working with him for almost a
year. She brags about all his progress to me. Taylor is a completely different
child with his nurse aid with him. He smiles and laughs. He is happy. He knows what
to expect. He is still defiant at times but she resolves the issues quickly. She
engages him indifferent activities in the classroom. She moves with him like a
shadow. They have a rhythm and an understanding. This is not to say that the
classroom teacher doesn’t love him but it is evident that Taylor feels
different about his nurse aid. He is so much calmer and receptive to her
corrections and attention. He grunts but doesn’t throw himself on the ground. He
becomes part of the group activities much more seamlessly. When we move to
outside he gets excited. The nurse aid moves him into the swing. She knows
exactly how he likes to be pushed. He likes to swing from side to side. He
laughs. The harder she pushes the happier he is, it seems like he likes the
feedback and the movement. He is observant, taking in all the sounds. She
notices and moves him so he can watch the cars driving by. He keeps on turning
his head because of the sound he heard so she turned him. I watch as he moves
his head to follow the moving cars. Swoosh! Swoosh! The cars whiz by. Taylor
stays content while we are outside, then it is time to go in. He does not really
want to leave but decides to give up the fight. His nurse aid tells me that his
parents are very proactive with his care. His mom has been takinghim to Boston to receive hemp oil in a trial medical treatment. There
have been side effects that were not expected but they believe it is the
combination with milk and the hemp oil. He experienced several weeks of
diarrhea following his treatment. His mom kept him home during that time. There
is often communication via text messages with the teachers, nurse aid, and
parents. His care is a team effort. Lunch time is much smoother when we go in
this day. Taylor is a totally different child than the one I witnessed my first
time in the classroom. He still takes a while to eat, much longer than the
other children. She later transitions him to the mat. He wants nothing to do
with napping. She literally has to hold him and protect herself from him. He is fighting to rest.
The nurse aid and teacher work together to clean him up and
contact mom. He is picked up early from school.
My third experience with Taylor was today. Today he did not have
his regular nurse aid but a different one that has been with him regularly on
Thursdays. He is not as happy with her but listens and does well. During nap time
another woman comes in to work with him on sign language. Taylor is lucky because
his parents have the financial resources to provide extras most children
would not be able to get.
This makes me think of the privilege money affords disabled
children. There are children who are not afforded the resources Taylor receives.
When I first met him I thought why is so defiant. But then I realized that he
was not getting what he needed nor what he was used to. I think we are all that
way, it is just that he can’t express it in words. He can’t say where is my
regular nurse aid? Why is this lady here today? He grunts and throws himself on
the floor. It reminds me we have to look at the whole student not just the
I am so thankful for my abilities. I am also thankful my eyes have
been opened and my heart for knowing Taylor for this brief time.
A Closer Look at *Amelia
Amelia was born at 26 weeks gestation.
She is 4 years and must be strapped into a special chair. She can hold her head a little bit but it
tends to fall to the side and away from the back of her chair. She can smile and giggle. She expresses emotion and makes sounds but I
cannot tell yet what they mean. She’s a
beautiful girl. When the children are in
centers she must stay in her chair or be put down on the carpet where she lays
down. She can’t sit on her own. She needs to be monitored closely because
some of the more aggressive students move towards her and might hurt her. When we move outside the teacher assistant
pushed her towards the covered area that had the swings under it. It is an enormous tent with ample space
outside of the space allotted for the swings.
The teacher assistant moved Amelia to the mats on the ground and sat
with her. Amelia laid on the mat and
listened to the birds chirp. The
assistant teacher read stories to other children that came to visit her on the
mat and Amelia could hear them. She
smiled and cooed. She stayed in the same
position until the teacher assistant moved her.
She placed in back in the chair when it was time to go inside. Amelia was the last to enter the
classroom. The teacher assistant cleaned
her face and wiped her to remove the sweat on her from being outdoors. She spoke so sweetly to Amelia. As the students transitioned to lunch the
teacher assistant volunteered to feed her.
Amelia has a feeding tube in her stomach but can eat some foods with a
lot of assistance. She had what looked
to be baby cereal in a small bowl. For
the next twenty minutes the teacher assistant patiently fed her. It was a lot of work for Amelia to swallow
each bite. But together they got through
it and she ate every bite. The teacher
assistant encouraged her and smiled at her.
She was so patient. It took
almost thirty minutes for Amelia to eat this small bowl. The teacher assistant cleaned Amelia’s face
and tended to the changing Amelia’s diaper for nap time. After she did this Amelia was placed on a mat
on the floor for nap time. I was asked
to sit a chair beside her and make sure she did not kick the cubbies or spit up
or choke while she rested. Amelia has to
be monitored during rest time because she does not fall asleep and can quickly
choke on the food she has just eaten.
take for granted my able body most of the time. I have had injuries but never anything
like Amelia experiences daily. I have
always been able to feed myself and do not have concern about choking during my
sleep. I take this ability for granted. I have never had a child in my class with
these types of disabilities nor have I had more than one child that I had to
sit beside during nap time. I did not realize how easy this was until I witnessed all the different needs of the
students in this class. There are so
many things that can “go wrong” and it completely out of everyone’s control. Students are not doing these things on purpose
it is just how their body is. As someone
who loves to dance, not being able to move and eat by myself causes great
distress to even just think about it.
Meet My New Friends
Thursday, June 5, 2014 – My first day in the classroom. I made sure I wore something business casual
but comfortable enough to move around and help as needed. My file was waiting for me I signed in and
headed off to the classroom feeling well prepared for what was before me. I was the sixth adult in the classroom of
twelve students. After teaching 24 with
only one other teacher I honestly thought, “how hard can it be”? We have a 1:2 ratio. Nothing could have prepared me for
today. Nothing. I “know” the rules for hand-washing, taking
turns, lining up, play-ground safety, I can write lesson plans with my eyes
closed and teach a classroom of 4 year olds with one eye open. A classroom of 4 year olds that might have
one or two speech issues, and some students with attention problems, perhaps
even one that may like to bite occasionally or knock his friend down because,
“he thought he might hit him first.” But
today was a life-changer, I didn’t expect.
I walked into a room already in motion.
There are 12 students, only 12 and 6 (including myself) adults. I washed my hands and started observing,
learning names.
*All the names of the children have been changed to protect
their privacy.
Sally* a four year old girl who has CP, was on the ground
throwing a fit when I got done washing my hands so I went over to her. She quickly started to pull on me so she
could stand up. She is unable to stand
without assistance. The teacher told me
I had to let her be on her own. She
cried and cried. I tried to engage her
in play. Then the teacher let me know
that she is unable to engage in meaningful play yet because she is
developmentally 18 months old. She is
unable to feed herself. She can scoot on
the floor but throws herself around in frustration. She isn’t able to communicate verbally. She screams and makes noises. She has issues with her vision and looks all
around and nowhere at the same time.
Amelia* who was born at 26 weeks gestation. She is unable to sit up alone at 4 years
old. She smiles and giggles. She is primarily fed by feeding tube but can
eat very soft food that is spoon fed slowly to her. Her vision isn’t very good, and she requires
someone near her at all times. She is
unable to speak but communicates through body language.
Taylor* is 4 years old.
He has seizures often. He is able
to walk on his own, however deals with behavior issues, speech issues, and his
ability to communicate verbally. His
vocabulary is very limited and sounds like mostly moans to me right now however
the teachers understand him. He has a
beautiful smile. He is easily frustrated
and is known to bite and smack the other children if left alone. After I was in the room a little while the
Lead Teacher informed me that he actually requires a full time nurse for just
him and she is not there today. There
also was not a substitute sent to replace her so now the Lead Teacher must
follow his every move rather than teaching the whole class. He gets into everything and is
Lilly* is 4 years old.
She is a bright child. She
quickly engages with me and invites me to play with her. She asks my name which I haven’t been asked
by any of the other children I have met yet.
She has excellent verbal skills, questioning skills and has a complete
understanding of the room and the people in it.
She helps me learn about the rules.
We sit together and chat about Playdoh.
We make snakes together and roll balls of Playdoh. She’s excited about her upcoming graduation
and attending Kindergarten very soon.
Lilly does not require any modifications to her educational plan. She is not a part of the marginalized
population in the classroom.
Jerry* is 4 years old.
When I first meet him he is seated at the table with other children
playing with Playdoh. He asks me to help
him with the lid and I do get the lid started but don’t do it all the way
because I am not sure he isn’t just trying to get me to do something he can do
for himself. I am the “new” person in
the room so I know that the children will try to get me to do whatever they
can. I help him get the lid started and
actually almost off because I watch Jerry and he struggles as he tries himself.
He has a sweet spirit, this is quickly apparent. We all sit together making snakes and cutting
the Playdoh. I help him some and he
James* is 4 years old.
He doesn’t say much and seems to find things to get into constantly in
the classroom. He doesn’t talk at
all. Later I find out he is autistic. He grabs different toys in the classroom and
just seems to move them from place to place.
Chris* is 4 years old.
He is not part of a marginalized population. He is an average student, a mischievous
little boy who likes to play and build with blocks. We talk about books and castles.
Ben* is 4 years old.
He is a little boy with Down Syndrome.
He enjoys playing with blocks and running outside. He is delayed in his speech. His smile will melt your help.
Melissa* is a 2.5 year old girl. Today is her second day in the classroom and
at this school. She is terribly
overwhelmed with all that is going on. I
do not learn a whole lot about her during my time in the classroom today. Her mom is called to pick her up early
because she is unable to emotionally handle being in the classroom.
As I sit here reflecting I am
unable to remember the other children in the class. I did not take paper with me so I could fully
engage with the students my first day and get to know them.
The classroom was like a busy beehive, full of
activity. The classroom is filled with
age appropriate materials. The materials
are not new but rather well loved and worn.
The children’s artwork is on the walls.
There is child size furniture in the room and only one adult size
chair. There are also adaptive chairs in
the room.
We spent the first hour and a
half of my time inside the classroom.
The second almost hour was spent outside on the playground. The playground has been adapted to meet the
different physical abilities and disabilities of the students. The third portion of my time was spent back
inside the classroom preparing and eating lunch.
One child is confined to a chair on
wells and strapped in so she doesn’t fall out.
She lacks the control needed to move her body as she chooses except for
her head and eyes with purpose. There
are also restraining chairs for students to keep them safe when their behavior
gets out of control or unsafe for the others in the room. There are chairs to hold students who cannot
hold themselves up while they eat. The
Lead Teacher informed me that it was not at all a typical day in her
classroom. She was beyond frustrated for
many reasons.
I have NO idea how she functions in
this classroom after my experiences today.
While I realize it was not a typical day, it was difficult. It was like little time bombs waiting to go
off at any second. Even with all the adults
present there were not enough hands to handle all the happenings in the room it
felt like. The teachers are caring and
truly love what they do. The children
are doing the best they can and it is HARD.
HARD. Plain and simple, nothing
taken for granted and lots of love being given freely, and firm corrections and
limits constantly applied. I felt like I
was in a tornado, so much for feeling well prepared. I compare it to the experiences I have had as
a mother over the years. I was married
to my best friend, educated, an educator, and loved children. I had started caring for other children at
the age of eleven, who could be more prepared than me? Jeff and I lead a youth group at church
together and went and picked up our nieces to just spend time with them
regularly. We were prepared, right? NO.
Nothing prepares you for parenthood, it is a day to day learning
experience, the responsibility is always there, and never goes away. It is rewarding and overwhelming all at the
same time. This is how I feel about the
classroom experience my first day.
Nothing could have prepared me and I felt like I was prepared. I was so wrong but the longer I stayed with
the children the more I got to know them.
The power in this classroom shifts
from moment to moment. Obviously the
ultimate “power” or locus of control in the room is the teacher or rather the
responsibility lies in her hands but I see the power shifting. The power shifts from student to student, an
incident to incident as bodies react unpredictably and involuntary or not very
much at all for some students. Alinsky
states that, “when we talk about an individual’s power we often refer to them
“lifting himself by his own bootstraps”, we are referring to power.” (1989, p.
52) Power looks very different inside
this classroom to me. I saw children
pulling themselves up by their bootstraps over and over again.
Jerry is a student with power. I found out over my time in the classroom
that Jerry has CP. He is developmentally
delayed and has issues with hand-eye coordination. Jerry has one of the sweetest spirits I have
ever witnessed. When we got outside he
fell at least once for every ten steps he took.
His legs are knee-knocked and it did not appear he had worn his leg
braces this day. Over and over again he
pushed himself back up off the ground and smiled. He said as he looked me in the eyes with a
smile, “I fall down a lot but I always get back up.” Jerry loves bubbles. We blew bubbles together. Then his teacher got out the big bubbles and
blew them in the grass towards the children.
Jerry would reach to pop the “biggest bubble”. The joy in his face and spirit inspired
me. After we got inside Jerry had
difficulty eating because he was coming down with something. His nose was stuffy. He was taking longer than usual to eat. He didn’t give up. I mentioned to the teacher that I thought he
wasn’t feeling well when they asked why he wasn’t done eating. He was eating peanut butter, drinking milk
and couldn’t breathe as he ate. But
guess what he kept trying. He started to
get sicker and his parents were called.
They were coming to take him to the doctor. While he waited, little by little he ate his
lunch. Jerry may not have power over his
disability but he demonstrates as much power as humanly possible by his desire
to live and grow. Later I found out that
a year ago Jerry couldn’t even walk.
I could write pages and pages on my
experience. But decided to lay a
foundation and focus on Jerry for this journal because my experience with him
really stood out and the Lead Teacher.
Going into this experience I felt
prepared after my first 30 minutes, I knew I was completely unprepared. I thought I had it difficult with 24 students
and an assistant. The patience of the
teachers was remarkable. The love in the
classroom always present. I have taken
for granted my able body. I am guilty of
complaining and wishing my life was different.
Even when I have had a broken ankle, or knee my pain and obstacles were
nothing compared to their day to day lives.
I have so much respect for these children and teachers. I used to think I could work in Special
Education and I know now that I could not.
My skin is not thick enough. I had
tears welling in my eyes several times and my patience was running thin. I am an extremely patient person especially
with young children but my patience for watching them stuck in bodies that
won’t do what they want was so difficult.
These children and the teachers need everyone they can get in the
classroom that is willing to help. I now
feel selfish for believing they had too many people and the ratios were too
Exploring Social Justice inside an Easter Seals Classroom
For my Social Justice Project I
have decided to volunteer for 15 hours at Easter Seals. The Easter Seals Center I will be
volunteering at is directed by *Ms. Carr.
I went in yesterday for my volunteer orientation. It was very informative. I signed all the paperwork and gave her my
test results for the TB test that is required to volunteer there. I have to use other names than then
children’s real names to keep their information confidential. She shared with me some basic guidelines and
rules to follow. She also gave me a
quick tour of the center. I honestly
felt well prepared to begin my volunteer work after my orientation and tour. The director repeatedly went over the dress
policy for business casual. I have many
years of experience in the early childhood educational setting. I shared with her that I would like to work
with students who are disabled and in the lower SES. So we agreed on the
Preschool classroom, where there are children ages 4 – 5, the students are a
mixed group of disabled and able bodies, some with developmental delays and
others with none. While we were talking
in her office I fully expected the classrooms to be well stocked with
manipulatives, markers, paint, a preschool teacher’s dream to be honest.
But what I found was well loved room but not
the resources I expected. The bulletin
boards were made with hand cut letters, dust lined the shelves. As an experienced teacher I wondered how this
could be with so many adults in the room.
I can’t remember the last time I had to hand cut letters out, but this
told me they didn’t have funding for extras like this, unlike what I
thought. There were five adults in the
room with 12 children when I did the tour.
I left thinking my first experience would be positive and refreshing.
There are additional classrooms
that most early childhood centers don’t have, like the speech class, and
occupational therapy class. The teachers
all have their Birth – Kindergarten Certification Bachelor of Arts. The assistance have their associate’s degree
and some have their B-K Certification BA as well. The teacher’s appear to function well as a
team. The students appear to be well
taken care of and engaged. The room is
divided into learning areas. There is a
bathroom close to the classroom for students to use and a door to the outside
for relatively easy access to the outside.
It seemed the teachers were not all busy when I came by for the
tour. It looked like there were more
teachers than necessary in the classroom.
My first impression is that there are more adults in there than
necessary. However the volunteers do not
count towards the ratio of the students in the room so I understand that is why
there are extra adults. I wish I had had
volunteers in my room to assist with the twenty four students and only one
assistant. It appears there are more
hands than needed in this room with only 6 students that are either delayed or
has physical limitations. This
experience makes me wonder why we don’t have more volunteers in a regular classroom. It just doesn’t seem fair that people would
want to volunteer or are encouraged to volunteer with children with delays and
not with children that do not experience delays. All children need love and attention and
teachers can all use extra help and support.
It doesn’t seem like these teacher know much more than I do from my
first interactions with them. I know
that I am not allowed to take children to the bathroom, feed them or be alone
with them. I understand the reasoning
because they do not know my abilities and cannot let everyone that volunteers
have all the responsibilities since they won’t be there full time, however I do
feel like I could handle teaching the children.
Right now it seems like they get way lower ratios than I experienced. The ratio in the room is 1:6. My ratio was 1:15. Honestly the ratio seems a bit unnecessary. I do realize all I did
was tour the school quickly. I will be
interested to see how I feel about it after I am in the classroom with the children. Without really talking to the teachers and
just having a glance at the room it looks like 4 students have serious delays
and fit into a marginalized population and that the rest do not.
After my first visit I thought in the classroom I decided to
go back and write my first journal on my preconceived notions about the
volunteering. I think it is important to
look at my own growth. I sat down with
the director to find a time that is most beneficially for my reflections and
the classroom to spend my time in the room.
There is another student that will be in the room on Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday mornings so I am choosing Tuesday and Thursday mornings to complete
my hours over five different sessions to total 15 hours. * It turned out my hours had to be completed much faster due to the class restrictions and deadlines for my school.
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